100 Mile Home

100 Mile club is looking for parent volunteers to help run the program. If you are interested please e-mail Mrs. Olson at [email protected]



Please make sure you put an e-mail address on the 100-mile club form to receive updates. 

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer please e-mail me at [email protected]
Thank you! 
Running Times for the 100-mile club for the 2024-2025 school year
Please have the 100-mile club form filled out and turned in to the office for your child to participate. Thank you!
If you have any questions about 100 Mile Club or if you would like to volunteer please e-mail Mrs. Olson - [email protected]

The 100 Mile Club provides the opportunity for students, parents, staff, and siblings to run or walk 100 miles at school during a single school year. This club enriches kids to build self-esteem through setting and achieving goals and the overall health in their lives.

Students who take the challenge are recognized at Friday Flag Salute and awarded their commitment cards. If they pay the $10 they will receive the following incentives:

Once they achieve their 25 miles they will be awarded at Scorpion Salute the official 100 Mile Club T-shirt. They can wear their shirts to school and on meet up days.

Next, they will earn their MILEstone Pencil when they reach the 50-mile marker. Every time they use this pencil it will remind them and everyone around them of the huge accomplishment they have completed.


At the 75 mile marker, they will be awarded their 100 Mile Club wristband that they

can wear everywhere they go.

Finally, at the end of the year, all students will be awarded a certificate of accomplishment for the miles they went. And the students who achieved 100 miles or more are awarded a gold medal.

It is amazing to see the transformation in the kids.


Please fill out all forms - they will need a release of liability form filled out if they plan on doing any of the running days that will be held before or after school.


Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions.